Saturday, February 9, 2008


Royal Trux were a couple of junkies in love who initiated the underground record label Drag City Records with their first LP "Twin Infinities": a double disc album of surrealistic rock 'n roll that mutated The Rolling Stone's aesthetic into something inspiring again. Jennifer Herrema was bizzaro world Mick Jagger while Neil Hagerty was Keith Richards and they consistently produced radical rock albums that were twisted by dadaist impulses into art you could put in a jukebox at the local dive bar. When she returned to heroin usage upon the death of her father they divorced and split into two new bands: RTX and The Howling Hex.

A new video from RTX and some old Royal Trux footage was recently unearthed on youtube.

I dig Jennifer Herrema's triple layered animalistic banshee howls on this song. It's sort of amazing how If you listen closely you'll find every word intelligible.

Royal Trux briefly signed to a major label in the 1990's for a three album deal. They fulfilled their contract, took the $ and built their own recording studio in the Virginian countryside to work from the underground henceforth. It's interesting to watch the couple interact while shilling.

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